
It's felt time has been moving at rapid speed since from leaving Siem Reap to arriving to Koh Phi Phi.

So what's happened since Angkor Wat? Way too much but I have been in love with every moment of it.

1. One of my closest friends Katie came to visit for a week

2. We introduced Katie to toasties
3. The bus ride from Siem Reap to Bangkok was less than impressive (obviously) but the flight to Suranthati... however you spell it was so much better
4. Koh Phangan was a different world, for the better or worse... I don't really know. What I do know is that the street food and sunsets were A+, I can do without buckets and neon paint should be the new makeup


5. We ended up being talked into going to Jungle Party and all agreed it was 10x better than Full Moon


6. Went all out the following day for Full Moon Party with neon paint, mojito buckets, dancing till the sun rose. Yes I ended my night... eh well actually morning with a toastie
7. Experienced a brutal hangover and for the 1st time in my entire trip, I felt homesick. I wanted my hangover buddy Jagger and my couch with takeout food to make me feel better.
8. Our hostel was great but one of the dudes was a total dick.

9. We somehow managed to leave for Koh Tao the next day after Full Moon
10. Found Asia Divers and us Americans were allowed to take an expedited padi certification scuba course. Just a note - Claude is freakin' amazing and has a crude sense of personality so brave yourself
11. Spent 3 days learning how to scuba dive. It was one of the most challenging things for me to do. I was more excited about this than anything and once I realized how challenging it was, I felt defeated. But I did it. Another reason I had a difficult time was partly because of the equalizing as we descend down. I was already having some sinus issues so by the end of the 3rd day, I was crying in pain with my left ear having a reverse ear block. And yes, my ear is still clogged up. I'll be seeing a hopefully good dr over here.

BUT on the bright side, diving and seeing life under water was unbelievable. I felt like Ariel from the Little Mermaid with my flippers on. If only it was an actual mermaid fin that glistened in the water...

11. Katie ended up leaving us, sadly
12. Anna and I spent Easter on the beach in Koh Toa with beer for our "Easter candy"


So what did I learn from all the above? Go to Jungle Party over Full Moon Party. Get PADI certified. Don't ask questions, just do it. Yes, you will be exhausted from going non stop but every minute is worth it. And buckets are the worst invention known to mankind.
